Please accept our sincere thanks for all your hard work and steadfast determination pulling this deal together. To say this transaction was unique, is an understatement.

Your tenacity, expertise and support navigating through some choppy waters is what pulled us to the finishing line.

The sharing of information ( personal ) with someone I have never met face to face is also a testament to you Sharlene. Looking back, I recognize that those heavy raw moments had to be shared with you in order for me to rise to the top and grow emotionally.

Deepak Chopra once said “ All great changes are preceded by chaos” He was right.

We all know that growth can sometimes be painful but nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere where you don’t belong. This purchase has changed my life… our lives…… to which you played an integral role.

With heartfelt gratitude,

Laura and Tiana

Although only being a lawyer for 6 years, I have already had the chance to deal with many individuals in the mortgage / lending industry, and I can comfortably say that Sharlene Testa of Neighbourhood Dominion Lending Centres is at the top of my list in terms of reliability and pleasantness of responses in responding to any requests we make. I know that if all of our real estate financing deals could go through Sharlene my assistant would be very happy! T.R.

I would like to take this opportunity to personally thank Sharlene for her help with my recent mortgage application.

I have never had the opportunity to have such a dedicated and committed Mortgage Agent assist me ever

She was extremely helpful throughout the applicant process often going above and beyond to assist me.

Her dedication and commitment to her customers is above reproach. She is a top notch mortgage agent and I would highly recommend her to anyone.

I would like to thank you for making this process both enjoyable and stress free for me. You Sharlene are an example for everyone in your profession to strive to be just like.

Sincerely yours